Cooperatives & Communities

Over 30 PDM SACCOs in Arua to receive funds this month

ARUA – Arua district has launched the Parish Development Model [PDM] with 32 PDM SACCOs in the district expected to share One billion shillings this month, officials say.

Arua district is among the last districts in West Nile Sub-region to launch the government poverty alleviation programme where government targets to fight household poverty from the parish level, targeting those who are still in the subsistence economy.

During the launch of the programme yesterday, Arua district LCV chairman, Alfred Okounzi, called for cooperation among the targeted beneficiaries, saying, “It is only through cooperation and collaboration that you will succeed in fighting poverty. It is high time for you [beneficiaries] to work together. It will be our pleasure when we see you succeed in your projects.”

The Member of Parliament representing Vurra Constituency, Yovan Adriko, said that the launch of the programme was long overdue. Adriko calls upon the stakeholders to fight corruption. “We have seen in other regions, leaders stealing these PDM funds. we need to learn from other regions and generously fight corruption in Arua,” Adriko said.

He added: “As leaders, we shall be happy to see that our people fight poverty through this government programme [PDM]. Please make sure you use the funds for the intended projects.”

The commercial officer of Arua City, John Ezuma, said no PDM SACCO has received funds yet. He said that despite the launch, the bank was not ready to disburse funds to the beneficiary accounts, although he said all PDM SACCOs would receive their money before this month ends.

“The launch delayed and as leaders, we decided to launch as the bank prepares to disburse the funds. Within this month, we are going to disburse all the funds such that we receive other funds,” Ezuma said.

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