Cooperatives & Communities

PDM SACCOs in Lango receive over Shs 19bln

LIRA-Lango Sub-region has so far received about Shs 19.06 billion disbursed to the bank accounts of 582 Parish Development Model SACCOs [ PDM SACCOs ], according to Ceasar Obadah, coordinator in the Office of the National Chairman of National Resistance Movement [NRM].

According to the information available, Lira district has 54 PDM SACCOs, Alebtong [69], Kole [49], Apac [33], Amolatar [83], Dokolo [53], Otuke [51], Oyam [72], Kwania [49], Lira City [49] and Apac Municipality [20].

Each of the PDM SACCOs in Lango Sub-region got bout shs 32.7 million and Obadah said on Tuesday in Lira City that he was to meet all the chairpersons of the groups to establish whether they exist.

“We have started moving to each and every district in the sub-region for a fact-finding mission and have already got two districts with unclear records,” Obadah who has been appointed by President Yoweri Museveni to lead the monitoring of government programmes in the Lango Sub-region.

The PDM SACCOs in Lango Sub-region make up 6.3 percent of the 9,208 PDM SACCOs cleared to receive the money.

President Museveni launched the PDM in Kibuku district in February 2022.

The PDM aims at moving households still trapped in the subsistence economy to the money economy by emphasising agricultural value-chain development to increase commercial production.

Under PDM, each parish in the country is expected to receive Shs 100mln every financial year to operationalise the Parish Revolving Fund [PRF] as one way of empowering communities to engage in commercial enterprises such as coffee growing, piggery, and poultry keeping among several others.

Recently, Sam Opira, the Apac district secretary for health and education said the money was disbursed to the account of the beneficiary PDM SACCO but it cannot be accessed.

He asked government to speed up the process so that people access the money and use it.

The chairperson of Bazzar Ward SACCO in Lira City, Patrick Okello said they had received Shs 25mln and still waiting for the balance.

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