Koboko farmer SACCOs hire tractor to boost commercial farming
KOBOKO – Farmer SACCOs in Koboko district will now find it easy to cultivate land after they acquired a tractor from Muni University.
According to the farmer SACCO leaders, the tractor will boost commercial agriculture in Koboko district since the tractor will help them increase the acreage of land under cultivation.
While signing the memorandum of understanding on April 24, 2023, to hire out the tractor, Muni University secretary, Emmanuel Banya said they would also engage the farmer SACCOs in the district to intensify research in agriculture.
Banya said: “The tractor is an opportunity for you to increase your productivity. Stop fragmenting your land as it will make it hard for you to use the tractors.”
The tractor was handed to the farmers on May 6, 2023, in a ceremony witnessed by representatives of Koboko District Farmers Association, and political leaders led by Midia Sub-county LC3 chairperson Bran Acikule.
In his remarks, Acikule commended Banya for the initiative to hire out the tractor to farmers in Koboko district, saying it will boost food security in the district.
Koboko district local government secretary for production, Dramiga Samanya, said the tractor would positively  impact the farmer SACCOs in the district, even though he said spare parts for the tractors are not available in West Nile.
Meanwhile, the general secretary of KF-OSCS, Atama Rashid, said the tractor would help farmer SACCOs in Koboko district to boost food production.
Koboko District Farmers Association will manage the tractor so that the farmer SACCOs use it an organised manner.
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