
Farmers bar politicians from joining SACCO

A recently formed farmers Sacco has barred political leaders and others harboring political ambitions from joining their organization.

The farmers’ decision is premised on the fear that politicians like owning everything and that they will usurp the opportunity to mobilize residents to ask for loans which they will fail to pay believing it is an appreciation for electing political leaders into office.

Busitema – Sikuda sub-counties integrated farmers Sacco so far has 190 members, with a share capital of shillings over twenty-two million generated within six months since the farmers conceived the idea of forming a cooperative.

Speaking during the function at which the Sacco was handed a certificate, Andrew Egessa the loans officer said, the Sacco is primarily about developing farmers not promoting interests of politicians, that always want to take credit from even projects that they did not initiate.

Egessa also disclosed that the Sacco will not employ technical officers who residents from the two sub-counties as a measure of reducing influence peddling during loan acquisition exercise.

Peter Kyalingonza, the district commercial officer, asked the residents to join the new Sacco or form others. He advised those willing to join the Sacco to save than to come expecting loans noting that Saccos thrive on saving.

On administration, he advised the cooperators, to elect board members that are knowledgeable and conversant with the way how cooperatives operate.

Kyalingonza said, executive members must be willing to also save and contribute towards solving the call of the Sacco.

The area member of parliament ( Samia Bugwe north) Gideon Onyango who was expected to be the chief guest, didn’t turn up but pledged shillings two million.

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