Boda-bodas told to form Sacco
In an effort aimed at bringing sanity in the boda-boda sector, riders in Busia district have been urged to form savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs).
David Joggo Mwiria the community liaison officer Busia district said Saccos will help the riders to pull together resources for development and enable officials to know their entrant members and punish them.
The police have previously complained about the boda-boda business, noting that despite being convenient and quickest mode of transport for many, it has become a headache for them as most riders lack basic training and safety equipment.
Boda-bodas have been blamed for many accidents in the district and the country at large, with some accused of transporting on their bikes to make quick getaways after committing crimes.
Joggo said, saccos form safety committees and work with the security to reduce road carnage.
The riders, Joggo said, should work with the security to designate areas and hours of operation for motorcycle taxis.
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