
UHI assesses 200 heart patients in Lango

LIRA– The Uganda Heart Institute [ UHI ] in partnership with Lira University Teaching Hospital has conducted free cardiac assessments in the Lango sub-region.

The team of six cardiologists headed by Dr. James Kayima conducted a one-day medical camp at Lira University Teaching Hospital.

They assessed patients with cardiac conditions, hypotension, and children born with heart diseases among others.

Dr. Kayima, is the senior lecturer at Makerere University School of Medicine and a consultant cardiologist at UHI.

The hospital director, Dr. Okello Tom Richard, said they assembled physicians, medical officers, surgeons, nurses and laboratory technicians to aid the assessment. The camp was held on Friday.

Dr. Okello who is a senior consultant surgeon said a total of 234 patients were assessed and out of these, 41 were children.

“We have seen overwhelming numbers of patients in just one. This tells us that there are so many people in the village there who need this kind of service,” he said.

He said they are planning to incorporate this kind of rare opportunity into the routine services so that people in the sub-region can benefit.

The team assessed patients, prescribed treatments, and made referrals to UHI for some patients to continue with the treatments.

“This collaboration and linkages set a good path for our patients because if you have seen here and the treatment has to be continued at UHI, you will find the same doctors,” he added.

The university`s dean of students, Emma Okite applauded the linkages saying their existence is well-positioned and they target to serve the community.

She said the rare opportunity should continue because of the number of people in the sub-region who are in need of the services.

Patrick Opio, the senior communication officer, said they will continue organizing routine medical camp after three months to bring in specialists to handle complicated ailments such as cancer and heart disease.

He said many poor people in the villages are not able to afford money to go to Mulago for assessment and treatment, a reason behind the overwhelming numbers in the facility.

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