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Masindi district prioritises three enterprises under PDM

MASINDI, April 17, 2024 – Parish Development Model [PDM] implementers in Masindi district say most of the beneficiaries of the programme have selected piggery, maize, and beans as the priority enterprises to be considered.

Other production lines listed under the PDM documents include poultry, fish farming, dairy farming, fruits, and coffee farming among others.

The PDM is a government programme launched in February 2022, aiming at moving 3.5 million households in Uganda from the subsistence economy to the money economy through commercial production, targeting the agricultural value chain.

Presenting a report during PDM stakeholders meeting held on Tuesday at Country Inn in Masindi town, Didan Isingoma the Masindi District Animal Husbandry Officer said the three enterprises were chosen by the programme’s beneficiaries in the sub-counties.

“We are looking at addressing issues of aggregating and bulking as required by the buyers,” explained Dr. Fred Ssebuguzi, the Acting District Production Officer who doubles as the PDM Focal Person in the district.

He said selecting enterprises which can easily help farmers to move out of poverty is very important, even though he said they would also fund other enterprises such as dairy farming.

“Government wanted us to fund only prioritise enterprises but we haven’t received a circular. Although we  have selected priority enterprises, we are going to be funding all the enterprises until we get a circular guiding us,” said Ssebuguzi.

He said the stakeholders’ meeting attended by the heads of department, PDM SACCO chairpersons, political leaders, security officials, the technocrats and the private sector among others aimed at developing a harmonised and unison approach for the implementation of the programme which receives funding of over Shs 1 trillion every financial year.

“We also need to share experience and emerging issues in the implementation of the PDM. We are also looking at developing a roadmap for the implementation of PDM, inform the stakeholders on the implementation of PDM and also refresh ourselves on our roles,” he explained.

Speaking during the meeting, Moses Kalyegira, the Principal Commercial Officer Masindi district noted that Shs 4.9 billion has already been disbursed to different PDM SACCOs benefiting 4,919 people in the entire district.

“We are among the district which disbursed money on time. PDM has caused healthy competition among the active poor. There’s also improved business acumen among beneficiaries because they appreciate that they have to pay back the money received,” Kalyegira noted.

Success stories 

Highlighting on the success stories, Kalyegira explained that a number of the programme’s beneficiaries have so far realised improved household income.


He noted that challenges being encountered in the implementation of the programme are price fluctuations, natural calamities, laxity in record keeping, limited supervision by PDM SACCO leaders and late release of the money  to the beneficiaries.

“Beneficiaries were greatly affected by natural calamities especially drought and the floods in the sub counties of Kijunjubwa and Kimengo. Crops were greatly destroyed also animals died. We are also facing a challenge of beneficiaries diverting from the intended enterprises and also the business plans,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Musa Kyamiza, the Principal Assistant Secretary to the Chief Administrative Officer explained that political leadership would be going to the villages as part of the programme’s monitoring process.

“We are also going to find out whether the guidelines are being followed. People need to know that PDM is for wealth creation because it’s there to improve welfare for the community. We need to see stable farmers, stable SACCOs and stable people. People should also know that PDM is not only about giving money to the beneficiaries but much more than that,” he explained.

Oh his part, the Masindi Resident District Commissioner, Emmy Ngabirano challenged the extension officers to be practical if PDM is to succeed.

“Extension officers should move to the field and help the beneficiaries instead of staying in offices. You can’t be a scientist and keep signing the attendance book and drawing salaries. Let’s get out from the comfort zones. How can you be a good extension officer or fisheries officer when your not practical?” Ngabirano asked.

On their part, the PDM SACCO chairpersons also complained of late release of funds to beneficiaries, saying that it delays the implementation of the programme as some beneficiaries do not plant in time.

Under the government programme considered as a game changer by government, each beneficiary gets Shs 1mln from the Parish Revolving Fund [PRF] to invest in the agricultural value chain.

Beginning from financial year 2022/2023, every parish in Uganda gets Shs 100mln from government to support beneficiaries of the programme.

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