Women and you have been and advised to join cooperatives and stop dreaming of going abroad to look for jobs. “Form cooperatives and in addition to savings embrace the on going government development programmes to fight poverty,” said, Moses Binoga the coordinator prevention trafficking in persons (TIP) in the ministry of internal affairs.
He appealed to the women and youths to take advantage and make use of the youth and women fund and avoid being trafficked abroad. Binoga who is also a commissioner of police was sensitising local leaders and security personnel on TIP in Busia town.
If women and youth appreciate and take seriously the development programmes initiated by the government, they can work and make money at home and avert the suffering and exploitation the meet abroad.
There is no honey and milk outside there, Binogo said. He encouraged women and youths to form cooperatives, be creative and innovative, acquire skills and start income generating activities and stop relying on government for employment.
Busia according to Binoga is both a transit point and destination source where many cases of potential and actual recruitment victims have been reported.
Binoga said, TIP is a threat to Ugandans and appealed to the local leaders to be on the watch out of illegal routes and houses where the victims and survivors are kept by the traffickers.
Many Ugandans, he said, have been arrested abroad, imprisoned and made to pay fines while many others especially girls have been exploited and died after going through torture.
The local leaders lashed out at some security personnel accusing them of abating crime by aiding trafficking in persons.
They demanded that the personnel that condoned the crime be transferred and also blamed the government for failing to provide jobs to the young people.
The participants devised a strategy and vowed to fight TIP using resources within their means.
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