APAC – The slow disbursement of the Parish Development Model [PDM] funds has angered the targeted beneficiaries in Apac district and Apac Municipality.
Several members who registered under different PDM SACCOs in the area say they have not accessed their money, more than a year after the launch of this programme meant to move 3.5 million households in the country from the subsistence economy to the money economy.
John Omodo, the chairman of Chegere Parish SACCO in Chegere Sub-county says members of his SACCO are frustrated by the slow progress of the disbursement of PDM funds. “Most of my members have waited for the money in vain and they are frustrated because they expected to use the money for buying seeds,” he said.
Bardek-Atik Parish SACCO in Atik Division, Apac Municipality with 37 enterprise groups has already received Shs 32 million in their bank account.
Alfred Alok, the chairman of this SACCO says that 10 members have already been selected to benefit from this fund in the first phase; however members are so disappointed with the delay in the disbursement of the fund.
“I have failed to understand the criteria being used to access this money. I am not receiving any alert through my phone address I gave to the Secretariat but the district leaders are saying the money is lying in the Account. In Acholi Sub-region people have received money I think ours is very slow,” he told this reporter in a telephone interview on Wednesday.
Attempts to get comment from James Ebony Oyuru, the Apac district commercial officer did not succeed by the time of compiling this story since he did not respond to the repeated phone calls made to him.
However, George Abudu, the Apac resident district commissioner, says Apac Municipal Council has already finalised with the preparation of groups and they have already submitted a list of beneficiaries for funding to the PDM Secretariat.
“At the moment I don’t have any updated information about the progress of PDM in Apac district but in Apac Municipality I have seen them already prepared the list of the beneficiaries and they have already submitted the list of the beneficiaries to the PDM Secretariat to permit them to disburse money to their personal bank accounts officially,” he said.
A total of 37 PDM SACCOs are registered in Apac District, 20 in Apac Municipality and 582 PDM SACCOs registered in the entire Lango Sub-region.
According to Ceasar Obada, the PDM coordinator in the Office of the National Chairman NRM in charge Lango Sub-region, a sum of Shs 19.055 billion has already been disbursed to PDM SACCOs in the nine districts, one municipality, and one city in the Lango Sub-region.
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