East AfricaNews

Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union donates Shs 15m to COVID fight

The Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union has donated Shs 15million to the three districts of Kween, Bukwo and Kapchorwa, to help in the fight against COVID-19. To this end, each district received a Shs 2m cheque, and processed powdered coffee worth Shs 3m to make five million. 

According to Elisha Bureto, the union’s Secretary Manager, their contribution is in response to a call by the government for all well-wishers to join hands in supporting the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We would love to give more but this what can afford for now, and we pray that what we are giving to Sebei districts will be of some help as we are fighting COVID-19,”Bureto remarked while handing over the union’s contribution to Kapchorwa district on Monday this week.

The items were received by the Kapchorwa Resident District Commissioner (RDC) and head of the district COVID-19 task force, Emma Cherukut, together with the district’s deputy Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) James Owili Abiya.

Cherukut hailed the cooperative for its support saying it would help the district task force to address some gaps they face in the fight against the pandemic.

“On behalf of government and my own behalf, I want to thank the Sebei Elgon Cooperative for this support. It will help to push our COVID-19 taskforce in achieving our targets,” she said.

For his part, Kapchorwa deputy CAO, Owili, said they would consult as a task force on how to best utilise the items donated by the cooperative.

The RDCs from Kween and Bukwo, the two other districts that benefitted from the union’s largesse, also hailed the cooperative for its support and pledged to use it only for the intended purpose. 

Registered in 1964, Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union brings together farmers societies from across the Sebei sub-region.

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