
RDC directs schools to teach learners about PDM  

NAMISINDWA – The Namisindwa resident district commissioner, Imran Muluga has directed Uganda National Teachers’ Union [UNATU] in the district not to hastate to teach learners about the Parish Development Model [PDM] initiated by government to fight poverty in poor households.

Muluga further asked the teachers to be role models in promoting the PDM in the communities, saying the initiative aims to help poor households in the communities to get out of poverty by engaging in commercial production.

He said there is a need to educate the learners and communities about the seven pillars of the PDM so that they can better understand the programme aimed at moving 39 percent of the Ugandan population from the subsistence economy to the money economy.

The official made the call on Thursday while meeting UNATU leaders from Namisindwa district. The meeting was organised by the district security committee held at Namisindwa district headquarters to to sensitise teachers about the PDM, among other issues.

He asked the teachers to popularise PDM programme at the grassroots level given the parishes are the epicentres of all the programme’s activities .

Muluga said that the central government and Ugandans have a lot of trust in teachers and therefore urged them to mobilise people in to embrace the PDM.

“Central government and Ugandans have a lot of trust in you as teachers, so you need to engage in mobilising people in Namisindwa to embrace the Parish Development Model,” Muluga said.

He said teachers meet many people at the grassroots and therefore are the best people to gear up the PDM. “You are always on the ground interacting with people and children there so we think you are the best people to stir up this program,” he said.

He further urged the leaders to focus on mindset change among the Namisindwa residents so that more residents embrace the PDM and other government programmes such as Operation Wealth Creation [OWC] and others.

The PDM has seven pillars: Production, Storage, Processing and Marketing; Infrastructure and Economic Services; Financial Inclusion;  Social Services; Mindset change; Parish Based Management Information System and Governance and Administration.

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