Cooperatives & CommunitiesEast AfricaNews

Pastoralists lose 500 livestock to tick-borne disease in Kaabong

Karimojong pastoralists in Kotido and Kaabong district in north eastern Uganda are currently frustrated by the rampant death of livestock due to tick-borne disease.

Over 500 heads of cattle have so far died in Kaabong due to tick-borne disease in the past one month.

Peter Losigiria, a pastoralist, from Sidok Sub County in Kaabong district says he has lost four of his livestock in just the past month, while many of his other cattle are sick.

“Rampant death of our livestock is worsening the current situation caused by closure of cattle markets as a result of COVID-19,” he said.

John Mudong, another pastoralist, said they don’t have money for buying chemicals to spray their livestock.

“If government had allowed cattle markets, we would have sold some animals to buy medicine for spraying ticks but right now we are just stuck,” he said.

Mark Abuku, the district LC V Chairperson Kaabong, confirmed the people were losing cattle daily as a result of tick-borne disease.

“Our people are registering the death of animals on a daily basis and the doctors have told us it’s caused by tick borne disease,” he said.

Dr. Fred Elabu the District Veterinary Officer, Kaabong, confirmed that Kaabong has registered several deaths to tick-borne disease which is caused by infectious agents transmitted by tick bites.

He proposed that the government needs to carry out aerial spray to kill ticks and Tsetse flies that are the main causes of the disease.

“Tick borne illnesses are caused by infection with a variety of pathogens and other types of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa and it kills animals if it’s not urgently addressed,” he said.

He said the entire district of Kaabong is badly affected by the disease and appealed for urgent help since the pastoralists don’t bother to spray their own animals.

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