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Otuke women ask govt for financial support

OTUKE, December 28, 2023 – Women under Canomia Diro Women Group that processes shea nut products in Ogor Sub-county, Otuke district have appealed to government for financial assistance, saying it would help them boost production.

Canomia Diro Women Group has a total of 25 active women who generate money from their small businesses to invest in the manufacturing of shea nut products.

The group that started in 2017 makes lotion, cream, jelly, shea butter soap, and cooking oil among others.

Florence Akello, the chairperson of the group said they need more financial support so that they can produce in bulk.

“We don’t have capital for stocking materials in bulk; such as packing materials, and ingredients. We shop from Kampala because the materials are cheap but expensive in terms of transportation,” she said.

She added that, “Many people have visited us but we have not yet realised much help, we are appealing to the government to help us the women of Otuke district so that we are able to provide basic needs for our homes.”

Akello however said they are planning to revamp on their village savings and loan association [VSLA] that was started in 2020 and interrupted by COVID-19.

“We started a VSLA in 2020 but it collapsed because of COVID-19, now we are going to reopen it so we can generate more money to help boost our production,” Akello further said.

Charles Opio, the Otuke District Senior Commercial Officer commended Canomia Diro Women Group for their resilience, saying they are one of the most active groups in the district.

Opio however said Otuke district is yet to secure finance support for the women’s group. He however urged the women to seek financial assistance from the Microfinance Support Centre [MSC].

“Canomia Diro Women Group has been in existence, they started small but now they are very prominent. We tried to lobby for them through organisations like GIZ, but unfortunately their contract ended,” he said.

The district has however carried out capacity building and business skills for the women group.

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