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Otuke: Shs 100mln raised to support Dero Amon SACCO

OTUKE, November 27, 2023 – Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has donated Shs 15 million to support Dero Amon SACCO in Otuke district.

Grace Freedom Kwiyucuny, the State Minister for Northern Uganda who represented Nabbanja delivered the money on Saturday during the fundraising organised by Otuke County MP, Paul Omara. Over Shs 100mln was realised in cash and pledges in a ceremony held at Okwongo trading centre.

Among contributors were MP Omara Shs 20mln, Dr. Samuel Opio Acuti [Kole North County MP] Shs 2mln, Jacquiline Amongin [EALA MP] Shs 2mln, Silvia Akello [former Otuke district woman legislator] Shs 2mln and Kwiyucuny Shs 2mln, and Government Chief Whip, Denis Hamson Obua pledged Shs 2mln.

Dero Amon SACCO aims to improve lives of women and mothers in Otuke County by supporting them with funds to boost their enterprises.

MP Omara commended fellow legislators from across the country who contributed money to the SACCO. “I have been helping and standing with my colleagues [MPs] in their constituencies and today they are here to stand with me in empowering Dero Amon SACCO,” he said.

Among MPs from other regions of Uganda who contributed who supported the SACCO included; Patrick Isiagi [Kacumbala County] Shs 5mln, Dicksons Kateshumbwa [Sheema Municipality] Shs 2mln, and Emily Kugonza [Buyaga East] Shs 1mln.

Meanwhile, minister Kwiyucuny on behalf of the Prime Minister, also launched the Shs 1 billion upgrade of Barjobi Health Centre III to health Centre IV. The Uganda People’s Defence Forces [UPDF] Engineering Brigade is to undertake the construction works for the theatre and expansion of the Out-patient Department [OPD].

She lauded the people of Otuke for electing what she referred to as visionary leaders who have worked closely with various ministers in government to bring development to the district.

The minister said government doesn’t expect hunger in Northern Ugandan anymore like it happened in the past, since there have been constant rains this year.

“We want people to reserve some food for their families. We are coming to a season when people are going to be eating only, without thinking of the storage and the dry season that is coming,” she added.

“Children are coming back home also, so the population of people eating food in homes has increased, so I want to appeal to you, please don’t live carelessly,” she said.

MP Opio commended women in Lango Sub-region for playing a big role in planting, weeding, and harvesting food for their families.

“We need to understand the setting in Lango. It is the women who are actually the breadwinners. We have so many homes where there are widows, we have some many homes where both parents are there but it the women who are taking the lead. It is women who plant the crops, it is women who harvest… and sell it to feed the family,” he said.

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