
Namisindwa PDM beneficiaries pin parish chiefs over extortion

NAMISINDWA – A section of parish chiefs in Namisindwa district are facing allegations of asking for kickbacks from the beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model [PDM].

Joseph Mafabi, PDM beneficiary, told this reporter days ago that some parish chiefs and members of the Parish Development Committees [PDCs] in the district are asking for 30 percent of the money the beneficiaries are supposed to receive to engage in commercial production.

The PDM is a new government initiative intended to drive households still in the subsistence economy to the money economy, with the government determined to spend at least One Trillion Shillings on it every financial.

The programme aiming to get 3.5mln households in the country out of poverty runs for five financial years beginning with the current one where each of the 10,594 parishes will receive Shs 100mln revolving fund every financial year for enterprise groups to borrow for production.

Mafabi has asked the district authorities to investigate the matter as soon as possible.

Responding to the allegations of parish chiefs and others taking bribes, Andrew Wabweni, the Namisindwa district PDM focal person warned that  those who are asking for kickbacks will be punished.

Last week, Namisindwa district officially launched the distribution of cash to beneficiaries at all sub-counties.

Namisindwa resident district commissioner, Hajji Imran Muluga while addressing PDM beneficiaries and parish chiefs at Bukhaweka Sub-county during PDM during the official launch of the disbursement of funds to the beneficiaries confirmed receiving complaints of extortion by the chiefs and some members on PDCs.

“We conducted the final meeting where we stressed that office bearers are not supposed to ask PDM beneficiaries for kickbacks before giving them loans. Complaints had emerged that some members of the PDCs wanted kickbacks before making final loan awards,” Muluga said.

The RDC, who is also the district chief monitor of government programmes, said they were investigating the claims upon which disciplinary action will be taken against the corrupt officials.

“We have information that each PDM beneficiary is asked to pay 30 percent of the money applied for. I got the names of parish chiefs and committee executive members who are behind this and handed them to police for investigation. They will be arrested for corruption and frustrating government programmes,” Muluga said.

Muluga applauded the community for standing against corruption by openly reporting cases of corruption. He said corruption derails the PDM and other government programmes meant to eliminate poverty and cause social transformation in the communities.

He urged the PDM beneficiaries to report anybody asking for kickbacks from them such that they can be arrested.

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