
Museveni to meet Acholi MPs over Apaa land conflict

GULU-President Museveni is set to meet leaders from Acholi Sub-region this Saturday, following the rising insecurity there, especially in the conflicted Apaa land area.

This is according to Anthony Akol, the Chairperson of Acholi Parliamentary Group [APG], and Stephen Odong Latek, the Amuru Resident District Commissioner.

Those expected to meet the president include members of parliament, LCV chairpersons, district NRM chairpersons, chief administrative officers, district speakers, and their deputies among others. The meeting is expected to be held in Otuke district.

Akol, also the Kilak North Member of Parliament in Amuru district said key on their agenda will be finding the immediate solution to the clashes between the Acholi and Madi living in Apaa area.

Akol said that they also have other security concerns regarding border districts of Agago, and Lamwo where cattle raiders from South Sudan and the Karamoja region have continued to cause mayhem, forcing the community members to abandon farming practices with fears of famine looming already taking shape.

In Agago district, the latest raids were recorded on Monday and Tuesday this week in the areas of Koci, Opim, and Lai-muru trading center where seven heads of cattle and several goats were lost.

This however isn’t the first time the leaders are meeting president Museveni on security issues. There have been 10 previous meetings where resolutions were made but not implemented.

In the most recent meeting with the president on the Apaa land issue early this year, it was agreed that; there would be no any eviction exercise in the contested area and a judicial commission of inquiry be put in place to investigate the boundary dispute and provision of security among others.

However, among all the resolutions made, only security was deployed, which however is being accused by locals of being biased and ineffective, a reason for the continuous attacks in the area.

Gilbert Olanya, the Kilak South Member of Parliament on the previously held meetings told our reporter that the president has not done much to address the conflict, adding that as leaders, they are happy with the resolutions made earlier.

Betty Aol Ochan, the Gulu City Woman MP who was among APG members blocked from accessing the contested Apaa on Thursday afternoon, said the new planned meeting with Museveni will not yield much.

Aol said as the region’s leaders, they have evidence to pin the government, saying some of the security operatives have committed crimes against humanity in the Apaa area shared between Amuru and Adjumani districts.

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