
MP Acen gives sunflower seeds, Shs 10mln to Alebtong women’s VSLAs

ALEBTONG – The Alebtong district Woman Member of Parliament,  Dorcas Acen has donated 2,500 kilogrammes of sunflower seeds including Shs 10 million to 43 Village Saving and Loan Associations [VLSAs] run by the women in the district.

The items were handed over to the beneficiaries on Tuesday during the belated celebrations of International Women`s Day 2023 held at Abia Primary School in Alebtong district.

The MP also handed over mama kits to expectant mothers and sanitary towels to about 200 girls from different primary schools in the district.

Acen called upon the women to embrace government programmes such as Operation Wealth Creation [OWC], Parish Development Model [PDM], and form SACCOs to access to boost their savings.

She also advised them to embrace commercial farming by using the four-acre model which is being promoted in the country by President Yoweri Museveni to enable the messes to create wealth.

The legislator cautioned men against domestic violence, saying it affects the production and creation of family wealth.

Jamila Akello, the district secretary for health and education, lauded MP Acen for her contribution, saying it will go along in inculcating the culture of saving among women in the district.

“As a leader, I want to appreciate this contribution because we are aware that women have big roles to play in building the family so the contribution is given to the right people,” she said.

Rose Aliro, one of the chairpersons of VSLAs in Abukamola parish said the sunflower seeds received would be planted soon given that rains have set in.

“I want to welcome the financial support she has contributed and my advice to other leaders also to pick up the approach and empower women,” she added.

The Alebtong district LC5 chairperson, David Kennedy Odongo urged government to support women to embrace commercial farming, saying it will economically empower them, as it will boost their household incomes.

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