Cooperatives & Communities

Mbale City officer arrested over PDM funds

MBALE – The Mbale City production officer who doubles as Parish Development Model [PDM] focal point person, Dr. Simon Massa has been arrested for allegedly misappropriating funds meant to pay PDM committee members.

Massa was arrested during a meeting at Mbale City Council on the orders of Jovrine Kyomukama Kaliisa Kyomukama, the PDM deputy national coordinator, following several complaints from the local leaders and beneficiaries.

He reportedly failed to account for money meant for training and sensitisation activities.

The Elgon regional police spokesperson, Rogers Taitika, confirmed the arrest of the PDM official. He said the suspect was detained on charges of corruption-related cases.

“We have arrested Dr. Simon Massa after failing to account for the PDM money. We have done our investigations and we have handed him to police to do their investigation. We have been receiving complaints from Mbale City leaders,” Kaliisa said.

Kaliisa said Massa had accountability on the paper yet people who he was supposed to pay were not paid.

The Mbale resident city commissioner, John Rex Aachilla said the money was meant to pay PDM committee members who participated in the recent training.

“The suspect was called and interviewed but failed to give proper accountability,” Aachilla said.

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