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Lira City: Minister Amongi boosts LCI SACCOs with Shs 20mln

LIRA City, February 26, 2024 – The Minister of Gender Labour and Social Development, Betty Amongi has offered financial support to Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisations [SACCOs] formed by LCI chairmen in Lira City to improve their livelihoods.

Minister Amongi particularly donated Shs 20 million to village chairmen’s SACCOs in Lira City West, and Lira City East divisions. The SACCOs received the money during a recent function held at Little Flower Nursery and Primary School located in the city centre.

Lira City has a total of 221 villages found in the two divisions, according to the Ministry of Local Government. Amongi offered each division Shs 10mln for the village leaders’ SACCOs.

Under Emyooga Programme, which is an initiative of the Government of Uganda, political leaders’ SACCOs receive Shs 50mln to support members who want to engage in income generating activities. This money is disbursed by Microfinance  Support Centre Limited [MSC] which is tasked to supervise the Emyooga Programme in the country.

Addressing the political leaders, Amongi pledged to assist the political leaders get more funding from MSC if their SACCOs perform well. Under Emyooga Programme, SACCOs which perform well get additional funding of Shs 20mln from MSC.

According to Oyam South legislator who has expressed interest in vying  for Lira City woman legislator in 2026, many people who have become successful in businesses secured cheaper credit facilities from financial institutions.

“I will continue to support you and ensure that your livelihoods are improved,” Amongi said, adding that the Shs 10,000 that government gives to the village chairpersons monthly is not enough.

George Otwal who heads the chairpersons of Lira City West Division thanked Amongi for supporting their SACCO,  saying village chairmen, though not well renumerated, play an important role in the development of the country.

Moses Okullu Opio, an LCI chairperson from Lira City East Division said they will utilise funds to boost the capital base of their SACCO.

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