Cooperatives & Communities

Kikuube Emyooga funds defaulters face arrest

KIKUUBE– The state Minister for Microfinance, Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo has given defaulters of Emyooga funds in Kikuube district a two-month ultimatum to have clear their loans or face the wrath of the law.

The minister who has been traversing Bunyoro region to monitor the performance of Emyooga programme was shocked to find out that the district was doing badly in the recovery of Emyooga funds.

According to the report by Emmanuel Twinomujuni, the manager Microfinance Support Centre [MSC] Hoima Zonal office which takes Bunyoro Sub-region, Kikuube district is the worst performing district in the recovery of the Emyooga money.

Kikuube district was given a seed capital of Shs 1.2 billion while Shs 1.4bln has been disbursed to 35 out of 36 SACCOs.

According to Twinomujuni, the Buhaguzi Tax Drivers SACCO declined to take the funds claiming the Shs 30 million was little to serve all members of the association. He added that the beneficiaries have so far recovered Shs 300mln.

It is from this report that Minister Kasoro offered Shs 200,000 to Kikuube district commercial officer Fatuma Businge to facilitate her move around the district within 20 days and compile the list of all those who received the money and failed to pay.

He noted that the ministry would contract local radios to name and shame Emyooga funds defaulters for two months, emphasising that after two months, they will no other option but to arrest those who will have failed to pay back the money.

He noted they would use force to ensure that people pay back the money disbursed by government to constituencies to help people create jobs and wealth.

“I want to tell you that no one will sabotage this programme. I am going to arrest you and ensure that all the money which you received is paid back,” he said.

He also blamed local leaders for not doing enough to ensure that the programme serves its intended purpose of fighting poverty among the people.

The chairman of Buhaguzi Constituency Mechanics SACCO, John Paul Mugabi was arrested by police on orders of Minister Kasoro for failing to pay Shs 13mln which he stole from his SACCO.

Mugabi was in 2021 arrested after he allegedly connived with the association treasurer, and Secretary, Joshua Muhumuza to withdraw Shs 21 million and shared it amongst themselves.

It is alleged that Mugabi, took Shs 15.2mln as his two colleagues took the remaining balance. They were released on police bond after they promised to pay back the money to the SACCO account.

Amlan Tumusiime the Kikuube resident district commissioner commended the Minister for intervening to salvage the government programme.

He also blamed the poor performance in loan recovery, on the mindset, adding that some beneficiaries have the capacity to pay but have deliberately not done so thinking Emyooga money was a political incentive from President Yoweri Museveni.

Abdul Bisasi, the deputy national coordinator Emyooga urged the Emyooga SACCO leaders to be transparent so as to attract more members. He said most of the Emyooga SACCOs in Kikuube district have less than 30 members, yet SACCOs survive on membership.

He also expressed concern that the saving culture among Emyooga beneficiaries in the district is still poor and urged SACCO leaders to mobilise members to save and buy shares.

Peter Banura, Kikuube district chairman explained that there is a need for more sensitisation of the beneficiaries about the programme.

He said that the big challenge faced with such a programme is that many of the beneficiaries still think that the Emyooga money was a political incentive because it was initiated during political campaigns, adding, “That is the reason why the money is being mismanaged.”

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