KENYA: 20 SACCOs risk closure for imposing leaders on members
The Saccos in question were accused of allowing politicians to use them in advancing their political courses

– Some were also put on spot for giving fair elections a wide berth and imposing leaders on members
– They were urged to align themselves with the laws governing cooperatives or risk losing their licenses Twenty cooperative societies in Kakamega County risk dissolution for failing to meet the requirements set to govern their activities.
County Commissioner of Cooperatives, Nathan Mkhweso, said the Saccos had not complied with seven economic principles that guarantee they operate in a fair and competitive environment.
According to Mkhweso, the units have violated core principles among them open and voluntary membership, democratic leadership, economic participation, autonomy, cooperation among cooperatives, concern for the public and education.
“Cooperatives that do not operate within these guidelines risk going under and getting an automatic dissolution. I, therefore, urge all Saccos to carefully consider the seven principles of operation to avoid getting dissolved involuntarily by the registrar of cooperatives,” warned Mkhweso.
The cooperatives boss lamented that some Saccos had adapted a dictatorial style of leadership and were synonymous with imposing leaders on members. He insisted that the frameworks of the Cooperatives Act demanded free and fair elections, a practice the 20 Saccos in question had largely ignored.
“Some cooperatives impose leaders on their members against the guiding principles, and that cannot be tolerated,” said Mkweso.
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