Gulu City produce dealers seek better storage facilities
GULU – Produce dealers in Gulu City are seeking improved modern storage facilities from the government in order to maintain the quality of the agricultural produce as required by the buyers.
Currently, the dealers are storing their produce in their own stores, which they say don’t have the capacity to keep the produce for a long time.
Stephen Odokonyero, a produce dealer at Cereleno ring-road in Bardege-Layibi Division in Gulu City said termites, rats, and other insects compromise the quality of the produce stored in farmers’ homes.
Odokonyero said fungal infection can attack produce such as maize when kept in poorly aerated stores.
Stella Apoko, another produce dealer in Cereleno market, in Laroo-Pece City Division said produce dealers need a general store, where they can preserve their produce and attract better prices.
According to Apoko, a silo storage facility would be the best for them to store their grains and cereals as they look for market.
“We believe that our produce is not getting the best prices on the market because the quality is somewhat compromised in poor storage facilities,” Apoko said.
While celebrating International Museum Day in Gulu City recently, Alfred Okwonga, the Gulu City mayor urged President Museveni to help the produce dealers there get modern storage facilities.
“The produce dealers wrote to me seeking support, but because we don’t have enough resources, it is hard to commit. However, I believe the central government can support them,” Okwonga appealed to vice president Jessica Alupo who represented Museveni at celebrations.
Gulu City hosts hundreds of produce dealers, who mostly buy the produce from farmers in Acholi Sub-region to add value, even though others sell theirs in other parts of the country.
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