Cooperatives & CommunitiesNorthernRegions

Government closely working with Cooperators to revive Lango Cooperative Union

LIRA: Lango Cooperative Union still remains dormant to most people though the expedition is underway to elect a new Board of Directors (BOD) starting with elections for committees of the primary societies under the Union.

There were observations made in a meeting held on 17th Oct 2018, chaired by Hon. Minister of State for Trade with Lango Parliamentary Group, LCU BOD and the Registrar of Cooperatives in respect to the Union being latent. The meeting observed some key areas like;  the term of office of the BOD governing LCU that expired (elected 30th November 2012) and the process to elect a new BOD was agreed.

Speaking to our reporter in her office, Lira District Commercial Officer Mrs. Josephine Amolo confirmed that there were successful elections in all the primary societies under Lango Cooperative Union in Lira district.

She said this was done in reference to the letter sent by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies Joseph William Kitandwe dated 18th Oct 2018 and the meeting that was held in Lira on 23rd Oct 2018 with all the District Commercial Officers in Lango Sub-region and members of BOD of Lango Cooperative Union.

Amolo said the Registrar of Cooperative Societies assigned a Cooperative Officer, Mr. Mugweri Ambrose who linked up with her office for the mobilization and monitoring the election of executives of Primary Societies.

When contacted on a phone interview, Mr. Mugweri Ambrose said it’s true members of Lango Cooperative Union has in the last one month been involved in an activity of electing executives.
Mugweri also confirmed to us that all the Primary Societies registered under LCU are supposed to carry out a fresh election to constitute a full leadership and this started at the end of October 2018 and will end in mid-December this year. He says that most districts in Lango have successfully conducted the elections except some societies in Dokolo, Oyam and Otuke districts, but hopeful.

However, he did not commit to when the General Meeting for LCU will be held. But he said what is happening is the process of acquiring delegates to the General Meeting of LCU.
The outgoing Chairman BOD LCU Mr. Engole Johnson also confirmed the undergoing process to revive the cooperative is good and asked the cooperators to wait for the General Assembly that will be called immediately the Primary Societies’ elections are done.

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