Cooperatives & Communities

Empango celebrations in Bunyoro: Museveni  implores cultural leaders to mobilise subjects for wealth creation

HOIMA, June 12, 2024 - President Museveni has appealed to Ugandan cultural leaders to mobilise their subjects so that they participate in wealth creation programmes initiated by the government.

In his message read for him by Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja during the  30th coronation [Empango] King of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Dr Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I in Hoima City, Museveni urged cultural leaders to encourage their subjects to participate in commercial agriculture, industrial development, services sector, business outsourcing, saying that  these will help the locals to create jobs and wealth.

Museveni in his message said that households should be guided to select profitable ventures in any of the above sectors.

"For example, in the case of small-scale land owners, we recommend that you grow coffee, fruits such mangoes, oranges, and pineapple among others, food crops, pasture for dairy, poultry farming for eggs, and fish farming. These are highly profitable ventures that you should embrace for wealth creation,"  Museveni said in his message.

He challenged the people of  Bunyoro to get prepared to tap into the  ongoing oil development  such as the construction of roads, Kabaaale International Airport and refinery among others.

Speaking at the same function , Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Prime Minister Andrew K. Byakutaga appealed to the government to support the kingdom with tractors to help the subject to engage in commercial farming.

Byakutaga noted that as the kingdom they wish at least each county to have a tractor as this will help to cultivate the land for commercial agriculture.

Religious leaders led by the Bishop of Bunyoro Kitara Diocese Rt. Rv. Samuel Kahuma praying during the Empango function (Photo by Peter Kugonza).

He noted that the kingdom recently started a campaign of promoting coffee growing but most farmers in the kingdom are still stuck with hand hoes, which he said limits their capacity to engage in commercial farming.

However, Byakutaga commended the government for the ongoing oil and gas developments but said that only a few Banyoro have been employed in the sector despite owning the oil resource.

On his part, Fred Byamukama, State Minister for Works and Transport, urged the people of Bunyoro to use their fertile land to improve household incomes, instead of selling it to buy boda bodas.

Empango is always held June 11 at the kingdom palace in Hoima City to commemorate the day when Omukama Iguru I  was enthroned as  king of Bunyiro Kitara kingdom.

However, the Omukama has now missed three Empango celebrations due to ill-health.

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