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Kasese: Bukonzo West PWDs launch SACCO

KASESE, January 26, 2024 – Bukonzo West People With Disabilities [ PWDs ] who are under the Centre for Social Development [CASODE] in Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council Kasese district have launched their Savings and Cooperative Credit Organisation [SACCO] with a call for the good governance of the SACCO.

The SACCO expected to help members fight poverty in their homes was launched on Tuesday during the Annual General Meeting [AGM] held at [CASODE] offices.

The SACCO Chairperson, Joshua Mugenyi appealed to the SACCO management to embrace accountability and transparency as they perform their work.

“Most SACCOs collapse because of accountability issues. Let’s all be responsible members and put our management to task of ensuring that they give us accountability,” he said.

Mugenyi urged the community members to join the SACCO and buy shares and was optimistic that the SACCO will help its members to fight household poverty.

Mugenyi proposed that if possible the town council authorities will allow PWDs to receive their Parish Development Model [PDM] money through their SACCO for proper management.

The PWDs, under the PDM, are allocated 20 percent of the Shs 100 million disbursed by government to each parish to fund their income generating activities.

“We also have an urgent need of equipping our office with computers, cameras and a motorcycle that would help in monitoring of SACCO loan beneficiaries and recoveries where need be,” he said.

The CASODE Executive Director, Banjo Masereka said registration of the SACCO both at the district and national level would be done soon.

He called for proper accountability and transparency in financial management among the SACCO administration. “I wish to put more emphasis on networking, accountability, transparency and loan repayment among the SACCO members,” Masereka said.

The Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council Community Development Officer [CDO], Zainabu Asiimwe pledged government support for the SACCO.

“As government, we are always ready to support you when need be. In case you face challenges within your SACCO, reach us so that we can help you before things go out of hand,” Asiimwe said.

The SACCO was launched under the theme,” Going back to our roots”.

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