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Kasese health workers form SACCO for financial empowerment

KASESE, November 7, 2023 –  Health workers in Kasese district have formed a Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation [SACCO], saying it will empower them financially.

The members said their new SACCO which they launched on Friday at Verina Gardens in Kasese town will save them from the money lenders who have been exploiting them by charging high interest rates on loans taken.

According to the Kasese District Senior Health Educator, Agness Mbambu , money lenders have confiscated properties of some of the health workers after failing to pay back the loans.

“Now that you have formed your own SACCO, I urge the leadership to be transparent and deliver up to the members expectations so that you can all benefit from it. Many SACCOs have collapsed because of leadership’s failure to give accountability,” she said.

Adding that, “Having our own SACCO clearly shows that we mind about a health worker who socially, economically and emotionally upright. With this SACCO, we can at least lobby some support from government because government is now supporting organised groups.”

The chairperson elect, Uriah Mugisa called upon government to support their SACCO so that it can grow fast.

“Many people have been empowered financially through SACCOs. They have developed through savings and credit at a very affordable interest rate on loans. People have managed to pay school fees for their children through acquiring loans from these SACCOs and many more,” he said.

He noted that their SACCO will help members to establish side businesses that can help them to improve on their incomes and grow their financial base.

Mugisha urged all health workers in Kasese district who haven’t joined the SACCO to join, save and be able to acquire loans at an affordable interest rate.

“I call upon government to support us with funds so that we can be able to meet our obligations as a SACCO,” he said.

He called for collaborated effort to ensure that health workers are stopped from mortgaging their properties to money lenders.

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