
Kumi RDC urges youth leaders to embrace poverty eradication programmes

KUMI-Kumi Resident District Commissioner, Ahamada Washaki has urged youth leaders to embrace and rally their colleagues into embracing government’s poverty eradication programmes like Emyooga and Parish Development Model [PDM].

Washaki who made the remarks while recently addressing youth delegates during Eastern Youth Conference in Kumi encouraged the youths to engage in any gainful work in both formal and informal sectors.

“Take advantage of available government programmes like Skilling Uganda Project, Youth Livelihood Programme [YLP], Emyooga, Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme [UWEP] and now the Parish Development model [PDM] among others,” Washaki said.

“And if we embrace and wholeheartedly support government programmes like Parish Development Model, we will eradicate poverty in the country,” he said.

He also encouraged the youth to have a culture of saving and also live a life which is within their means.

“Living an extravagant life above one’s income has led to many young people and even the elderly to involve in corruption tendencies so as to cover a gap that is above their incomes,” he said.

He urged the youth leaders to support the government initiatives by following all the established guidelines for proper implementation.

“There is a need to change the mindset of locals so that they can benefit fully from government programmes. You should embrace the saving culture. This will help you to improve your livelihoods at the household level,” he said.

He also urged them to practice commercial production instead of subsistence farming.

“Uganda can be self-reliance if we the farmers embark on the production of raw materials for our products such as sunflowers, maize, and cotton, among others, hence reducing dependency syndrome on foreign countries,” said Washaki.

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