
Wazalendo Sacco training of New Board members and Supco

Given our role of capacity building and training of our members, Uganda Cooperative Alliance trained the new Board members and Supco of Wazalendo Sacco. Wazalendo Sacco(WSACCO) is a Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) Co-operative Society. It is among the best performing savings and credit cooperative in the country with assets of 270 billion and loan portfolio of 219.13 billion in 2017.

The General secretary of Uganda cooperative Alliance CPA – Ivan Asiimwe conducted the training and covered several topics on Introduction to Cooperative ideology, values, principles, governance, Social-economic transformation, Business planning and management in cooperatives among others.

The training was was a success and eye opening to the participants who after the two day training felt the need to invest more in their members to improve their social and financial status

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