KAMPALA – The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Monday morning enforced the Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution (EFRIS) in most of the shopping centers in Kampala and other urban centers.
The exercise launched countrywide enables the tax body to monitor non-issuance of e-receipts and e-invoices and several other inconsistences in the supply chain of goods without digital stamps.
The Tax body introduced the exercise in January 2021 with intent to administratively offer a long-term solution to digital tax stamps, e-invoicing, e-receipting all tailored to improving efficiency.
All Value Added Tax (VAT) registered taxpayers are required to issue e-invoices/e-receipts in their business transactions through EFRIS a system that allows the tax body real time access to the data, and as a requirement, all gazzeted products are supposed to bear a digital tax stamp.
The gazzeted products include; bottled water, soda, beer, wines, spirits, cigarettes, sugar and cement.
Paddy Ocheng, the Manager in charge of domestic taxes operations in the central region says, businesses will comply because they want to avoid unnecessary penalties. Supplying goods and services without issuing an e-invoice/e-receipt or manufacturing, importing of gazzeted products without a Digital Tax Stamp is an offence.
Ever since its introduction, EFRIS and DTS have businesses that have not been vigilant on its use, prompting the tax body to deploy a whip.
Reports indicate that there has been continuous supply of goods and services by VAT registered taxpayers without issuing e-invoices/e-receipts with several businesses still holding unstamped gazzeted products.
Supplying of goods and services without issuing an e-invoice/e-receipt or manufacturing, importing of gazzeted products without a Digital Tax Stamp are offences punishable by law.
The General public is therefore encouraged to purchase gazzeted items that are affixed with digital tax stamps and also demand their e-receipts or e-invoices to avoid any inconveniences.
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