BULIISA, November 11, 2024 — Fishermen operating along various landing sites on the shores of Lake Albert in Buliisa district were left counting losses after illegal fishing gear worth Shs 137 million were destroyed by the Uganda People’s Defence Forces Fisheries Protection Unit [FPU].
The equipment, which were burned at the FPU offices in Butiaba landing site on Friday in the presence of local leaders, had been impounded from several landing sites across the district.
The destroyed items included 15 boat seines worth Shs 60mln, 500 boxes of undersised hooks valued at Shs 5mln, 560 mosquito nets being used as fishing gear worth Shs 28mln, 520 beach seines [monofilament nets] worth Shs 31.2mln, cast nets worth Shs 126,000, 40 small boats valued at Shs 8mln, and 91 wire baskets worth Shs 3.64mln, among others.
Lt. George Ntungire, the FPU Sector Commander for Buliisa, explained that the fishing gear was destroyed following a court order. He noted that the equipment had been confiscated between August and October, and emphasized that illegal fishing remains a significant challenge. He called on local leaders to work together in combating the vice.
“Lake Albert is rich in fish species, including Nile perch, but illegal fishing is severely affecting fish production and the overall catch,” Lt. Ntungire said.
Maj. Frank Kazira, the FPU Operations Officer, warned local leaders against politicising the ongoing operations on Lake Albert, cautioning that such actions undermine efforts to tackle illegal fishing. He highlighted the need for collective action from all stakeholders, including leaders, fishermen, and enforcement teams, to address the issue.
“The challenge of illegal fishing remains substantial,” he stated. “It requires the involvement of all parties, especially the fishermen, to ensure sustainable fishing practices that will protect these resources for future generations.”
Philip Kutegeka, the Buliisa District Fisheries Officer, called for increased sensitisation of fishermen to discourage the use of illegal fishing gear. He expressed concern that despite repeated efforts to seize and destroy such equipment, many fishermen continue to use fishing illegal gear.
“In May, the FPU destroyed illegal fishing gear worth Shs 800mln, but shockingly, within three months, we have again impounded another batch of illegal gear,” Kutegeka said. He noted that the ongoing use of such gear suggests that many fishermen remain unaware of, or indifferent to, the consequences and costs associated with illegal fishing practices.
Butiaba Town Council Mayor Musa Asaba praised the FPU for its ongoing efforts to fight illegal fishing. He noted that the crackdown has brought greater order to the waters of Lake Albert, leading to an increase in fish catches and a reduction in accidents on the lake.
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