UNRA resumes construction of Lakang-Rhino Camp landing site

ARUA  – The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) has resumed the construction of a landing site that will see a ferry deployed to connect Amuru and Acholi sub-regions to Rhino Camp in Arua in West Nile sub-region.

The construction was first started in 2015 but abandoned under unclear circumstances.

One of the engineers who spoke on condition of anonymity to our reporter says, the construction works is expected to be completed by March this year to pave way for the deployment of a ferry in Lakang sub-county in Amuru district.

“We hope to complete the backfilling, construction of the landing site and clearing of the parking space among others for the ferry, vehicles and other activities that will need space so that finally the people from Amuru and Arua are connected,” he said.

Geoffrey Oceng Osborne, the Amuru Resident District Commissioner (RDC) says, upon completion, business and trade between the two districts and regions will be boosted since a shorter and cheaper route would have been created.

“Our people from Amuru and the entire Acholi sub-region especially farmers and business people will hopefully take full advantage and opportunity of the West Nile and neighbouring DR Congo market that would have been brought closer to them through this route,” said Oceng.

Gilbert Olanya, the Member of Parliament for Kilak South wants the construction works completed this time so that trade and business opportunities between the two communities is strengthened.

Olanya says, as the work gets done, people should begin getting ready for opportunities in the hospitality sector that include but not limited to accommodation facilities and hotels, produce stores among others especially for the refugee camp market.

“Our people in Lakang, Te Okutu trading centers should now begin preparing to put up facilities which can help them tap some money from travellers, and business people who will either be plying the route or coming for business in Amuru district,” Olanya advises.

Michael Lakony, the LCV Chairperson of Amuru district also wants the road from Awer to the landing site upgraded arguing that it’s currently categorized by deep potholes in some spots.

According to Lakony, with the construction at the landing site going on, UNRA, should also now begin looking at tarmacking the road since it was a pledged by President Yoweri Museveni 15 years ago.

“The whole upgrade of this road has almost become a song by the government. After putting up the landing site, we need the road upgraded if not tarmacked as pledged by Museveni, otherwise the breakdown of vehicles on that road will fail the business opportunity it offers,” Lakony notes.


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