
UNBS urges Kombucha makers to observe hygiene standards

MITYANA – The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has urged all Kombucha manufacturers in the country to adhere to hygiene standards in addition to the other relevant Uganda standards that govern the quality of their products.

During a meeting held with Kombucha manufacturers in Mityana and Mubende districts days ago, UNBS Surveillance Officer, Sarah Nantongo Kintaboine, cautioned the manufacturers against inadequate hygiene and cross-contamination at their manufacturing premises.

“The health and safety of millions of people is at stake if you do not produce hygienic products. Ensure that your workers are in perfect health, and the factory premises and equipment used in production are regularly cleaned to avoid contamination of the final products that are consumed by the public,” Nantongo said.

The manufacturers were also cautioned against misleading labels and declaration of health claims, illegal additives used and high alcohol content in final products, most especially the non-alcoholic Kombucha.

Nantongo urged the manufacturers to employ professional quality controllers to ensure the standards are met.

UNBS carried out market surveillance inspections at 65 beverage factories in Eastern, Western, Central and Northern Uganda between November 2021 and January 2022. Out of these, non-conforming Kombuchas were found at 10 facilities and 12 factories were sealed off.

The UNBS Principal Certification Officer, Ronald Ahimbisibwe urged the manufacturers to seek UNBS certification and cautioned them against using the same permit for the different branches they own.

Kombucha manufacturers are certified against four Uganda Standards which include;

US 2037:2019,  [Kombucha drink – Specification].

US 28 EAS 39: 2002 [Code of practice for hygiene in the food and manufacturing industry].

US EAS 38: 2014, [Labelling of pre-packaged foods].


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