
Uganda, China legislatures to continue cooperating

KAMPALA, November 24, 2023 – The deputy speakers of the legislatures of Uganda and China have committed to maintain their cooperation in an effort to keep a strong relationship between the two countries.

The commitment was reiterated during a meeting between the Deputy Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, Thomas Tayebwa and the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China,  Luosang Gyaltsen.

The two leaders met yesterday at Parliament Building in Kampala. The meeting was attended by chairpersons of committees of parliament, and a delegation from the Chinese legislature.

Tayebwa commended China for its longstanding relationship with Uganda, which he said dates back to pre-independence times.

He said Uganda and China have consolidated cooperation in political, security, economic, social, cultural and scientific disciplines, adding that China has supported preparations to host the Group of 77 and China meeting in Kampala, in January 2024.

“I want to appreciate President Xi Jinping for the great friendship he has exhibited towards Uganda and Africa at large. His good working relationship with President Museveni has facilitated development of our country,” he said.

He commended China for its role in reforming the UN Security Council and committed Uganda’s efforts to push for equal representation.

“We want to assure our Chinese friends that Uganda will continue to push for reforms to ensure Africa gets two permanent seats on the UN Security Council as per the consensus of the African Union,” Tayebwa said.

He appreciated China for its support in tackling Covid-19 in Uganda as well as development of trade through preferential treatment for Uganda’s exports and setting up industrial parks.

He also committed Government’s support to the one China Policy, and wooed investors to consider Uganda’s tourism sector.

Tayebwa appreciated Gyaltsen’s visit to Uganda, saying it will strengthen bilateral relations and improve cooperation at Parliament level.

On his part,  Gyaltsen reiterated that the cooperation between China and Uganda has been strong, especially between the legislatures of the two countries.

“Uganda is an important cooperative partner of the Belt and Road Initiative in Africa. I hope to establish and maintain a good working relationship that will strengthen working relations between our legislatures,” he said.

He said the recent Third Belt and Road Forum for international cooperation provided opportunities for partner countries including Uganda, to improve cooperation to promote high quality development.

He also commended Uganda’s critical role in safeguarding common African position at the UN Security Council.

“We support Uganda in fully defending national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and support its role in regional peace and security,”  Gyaltsen noted.

He added that China would work with Uganda to strengthen communication and cooperation on human rights, counter-terrorism, poverty reduction, climate change, health and trade issues.

“China will continue to encourage capable Chinese companies with good desire, to invest in Uganda and create more jobs for the economy, as well as promote construction of industrial parks,” said Gyaltsen.

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