
Two arrested for printing and issuing counterfeit money in Lira City

The suspects have been identified as Sam Hamuza and Ambrose Otim, also known as Abakar.

LIRA City, August 13, 2024 – Two individuals are currently in detention at Lira Central Police Station for printing and distributing counterfeit money to the public.

The suspects have been identified as Sam Hamuza and Ambrose Otim, also known as Abakar. Police have recovered a total of Shs 31,550,000 from the duo, including Shs 22,550,000 from Paradise Hotel, where it is believed the fake shilling notes were being printed.

According to police, Shs 9 million in counterfeit money had been exchanged for genuine Shs 3mln provided by Esther Akullo, a local businesswoman in Lira City East Division.

Other evidence seized includes sheets of paper allegedly used for printing the counterfeit notes, a bottle of liquid chemical, and a white powdery substance, all recovered from a vehicle with registration number UAT 826M.

Patrick Jimmy Okema, Spokesperson for the North Kyoga Regional Police, stated that security forces acted on a tip-off from William Ekwang, Akullo’s husband. “William Ekwang reported to the District Police Commander that on August 9, 2024, around midday, Hamuza and Otim, along with others at large, deceived Esther Akullo into providing Shs 3 million with the promise of printing Shs 9 million. After receiving the Shs 3 million, Akullo was given counterfeit notes worth Shs 9 million. The suspects then requested an additional Shs 9 million to produce more counterfeit money,” Okema explained.

Okema also noted that Sam Hamuza’s car was previously destroyed by an angry mob in Amuca cell, Lira City, in April due to his involvement in counterfeit money production. “Hamuza was arrested earlier this year in Lira City West Division after his car was set on fire by residents in Amuca cell,” Okema said.

He urged the community to avoid participating in the circulation of counterfeit money, emphasising its illegality. “Our community members play a role in encouraging these illegal activities. If we refuse to engage in such transactions, these criminals will not have the opportunity to print counterfeit money,” Okema urged, advising locals to obtain money through legal means.

The suspects have been charged with printing and issuing counterfeit notes under case No. CRB 506/2024. They will be brought before the court once investigations are concluded.

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