Tororo leaders call for transparency, accountability in local revenue collection

TORORO –  The leaders in Tororo Municipal Council have called for transparency and accountability in local revenue collection

The leaders made the remarks during a stakeholder’s engagement in regard to the ongoing property valuation process meant to collect more revenue from commercial properties in town.

The meeting was attended by councilors municipality, property owners, police, officials from the Ministry of Finance, and the municipal council’s technical staff.

The town clerk, David Kyasanku, urged the leadership of the Municipality to support the initiative that is aimed at boosting the tax base to enhance revenue collection.

The Deputy Resident Distirct Commissioner [RDC] Tororo, Albert Amula, urged the municipality’s leadership to engage property owners in the municipality in order to avoid taxation disputes ending up in court.

“The leadership of the municipality should ensure that the taxes collected are put to better use to enable people get better services, which will in the long run make them to pay taxes without coercion,” Amula said.

He said there is need to create transparency and trust in local revenue in the municipality.

“I urged the Town clerk to ensure that funds received from the central government and local revenues generated locally are displayed on the notice boards as directed by the government for better information sharing with different categories of stakeholders thus monitoring the programs and services offered to the people,” he said.

He further encouraged stakeholders to embrace taxation just like how Christ urged Christians in the Bible as stated in Romans 13:6-7.

Meanwhile, in a bid to ensure effective and efficient service delivery to the citizens, the leaders in Tororo district have intensified monitoring of government programmes and projects.

According to Amula, this is one of the ways to ensure value for money.

He said he monitored several projects such as Kisoko Health Centre III staff quarters where the district is constructing staff quarters for the medical personnel to reduce the accommodation gap at Kisoko Health Centre III in Tororo district.

“Construction works are 80 percent complete and I urged the contractor to fast-track the completion of the project.

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