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Teachers to stage industrial action on Wednesday

KAMPALA– Teachers under the umbrella of Uganda National Teachers Union [UNATU] have promised to lay down their tools on Wednesday if government does not confirm their salary increments in the budget for the next financial year that kicks off on July 1, 2022.

The teachers’ warning comes as Finance Minister Matia Kasaija prepares to read Shs48.1 trillion budget on Tuesday. East African Community [EAC] Partner States read their national budgets on the same day.

In the press release dated June 11, 2022, Filbert Baguma Bates, the General Secretary of UNATU, said teachers countrywide would resume industry action, should government fail to give them feedback on their demand.

The warning to government in the press release read: “The Leadership of the Teachers’ Union countrywide has today unanimously ratified the resolution of the Standing Committee that sat on 23rd May 2022 to enter into an industrial action effective 15th June 2022 if there is no satisfactory feedback on issues pertaining to teachers’ salary increment across the board for FY2022/23.”

Baguma avers that notification was given to Government on May 23, 2022, expressing the teachers’ intention to resume their industrial action if the government insists on implementing discriminatory salary enhancements for teachers as opposed to honouring the commitments made in the Collective Bargaining Agreement [CBA] signed on June 22, 2018.

Baguma in the press release notes that no positive response has been received from government. “It is important to note that our Industrial Action that started in 2019 over the same issue was only suspended pending the full implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.”

Baguma said that the teachers’ issues particularly those concerning salary increments have turned into a ‘song’, something he said is unfortunate. “Almost every Financial Year, teachers have to remind Government about the commitments earlier made,” he said.

He wondered: “Do teachers really matter to this nation? Are the commitments made by Government mere ‘Board room gimmicks’ meant to silence teachers and foil any plans for industrial action?”

Baguma said teachers considered the CBA as a landmark event to the extent that they applauded government for what he called ‘formalizing’ the commitments.

“To our dismay, this turned out to be a media gimmick/ publicity stunt because four years down the road, Government has totally ignored our agreements and continued to draw salary enhancement plans for Civil Servants including teachers as they so wish despite several reminders. Why does this country continue to mock teachers and push them further into depression? This is totally unacceptable to us.”

“The public should therefore be aware that effective 15th June 2022, teachers will not be present in the classrooms until Government honours the salary commitments made to them. We have unanimously agreed that our plans to resume our industrial action effective 15th June 2022 will continue as planned until… Government agrees to implement the CBA without discrimination. Some categories of civil servants are already earning salaries from the same CBA. Why does the practice change when it comes to teachers?”

“UNATU hereby informs all teachers that the Industrial action is still on course. We have for a long time been taken for granted and it is high time the concerned actors streamlined all issues pertaining to the issue of our salary increment. UNATU will continue to champion the fight to ensure that teachers get what has been promised to them. In return, we call upon all teachers to join the struggle WITHOUT FEAR to enable us have one strong, uniform voice countrywide! Message to Government UNATU is still open for further negotiations.”

Baguma continued: Government should note that as of today, the Industrial Action is 4 days away. The countdown has officially begun! We strongly believe that if money can be found for increasing allowances of Members of Parliament citing rising costs of living and inflation, the same can be done for teachers in whose hands lies the burden of delivering quality education.

The general public should also take note that due to these constant disappointments, anxiety is mounting among the teachers and unless there is satisfactory feedback from Government on their demands, the intended industrial action will proceed as planned, Baguma says.

The First Lady who doubles as the Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataaha Museveni days ago said arts teachers will also in the future have their salaries increased, having increased the salaries of their counterparts- the science teachers, whose salary increment should be reflected in the upcoming budget.

On May 16, 2022, science teachers through their umbrella body, Uganda Professional Science Teacher’s Union [UPSTU] called off their industrial action as government accepted to raise their salaries in the new financial year. This did not go well with UNATU, which accused the government of discrimination.

The Minister for ICT and National Guidance Dr. Chris Baryomunsi was recently quoted in the media as the starting pay for all graduate science teachers in the coming financial year would be Shs 4mln while their colleagues in the medical field at the same level would pocket Shs 5mln.

Grade V teachers are expected Shs 3mln up from Shs 1.1mln.

Baryomunsi was quoted as saying, putting science teachers’ pay at Shs 4mln and realigning the pay of other scientists in accordance with their grades and specialties will require Shs 735bln.

Sources in the Ministry of Finance claim Shs 400bln in the budget is provided to enhance salaries for all scientists, including science teachers and medical workers. Of the Shs 400bln, Shs 111bln is earmarked to enhance salaries for science teachers and Shs 27bln for scientists in tertiary institutions.

According to Baguma the expected salary increment for all teachers in the financial year 2022/23 is as follows: Principal Comprehensive schools/NTC, UCC [Shs 12,200,000], Principal PTC, Tech schools/ Deputy Principal NTC, UCC [Shs 10,000,000] Head Teacher -Secondary [Shs 10,000,000], Deputy Head Teacher -Secondary [Shs 7,400,000] Science Teachers at Principal Level [Shs 7,800,000 ] Science Teachers at Senior level [Shs 6,000,000 ] Arts teachers [ Shs 5,400,000]

Science Teachers at Graduate level [Shs 4,800,000], Arts Teacher [Shs 4,500,000] Science teachers at Diploma level [Shs 3,000,000], Arts teacher at diploma level [Shs 2,700,000] Head Teacher -Primary [Shs 4,500,000], Deputy Head Teacher- Primary [Shs 2,700,000]. Senior Education Assistant [Shs 1, 600,000] Education Assistant [Shs 1,350,000] Non-Formal Education teachers- Trial terms [Shs 500,000].

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