
TCAMCCO slated for May in Nairobi

KAMPALA-The 10th Technical Committee of the Africa Ministerial Cooperative Conference [ TCAMCCO ] will take place at Panafric Sarova Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi from May 22-24, 2023, according to Dr.Chiyoge Sifa, the ICA-Africa Regional Director.

TCAMCCO will be held under the theme: “Theme: Transforming Co-operatives for a stronger Africa: Building Better Co-operative Identity, Sustaining Cooperation and Reinforcing Institutional Capacity”.

The conference will bring government officials, cooperative leaders, and other stakeholders into a forum to deliberate on how best to transform cooperatives for a stronger Africa.

Dr. Sifa in the Concept Note said the conference would lead to strengthened cooperative identity for a united Africa; enhanced partnerships for a sustained cooperation and collaborations in Africa; and reinforced institutional capacity for a prosperous Africa.

Last year, a similar conference was held in Mombasa, Kenya from May 23-27, 2022 under the theme, ‘Accelerating Cooperation Among Cooperatives in the Post Covid-19 Era.’

Delegates deliberated on how best cooperatives could foster accelerated cooperation amongst themselves at national, regional and global levels.

The event consisted of a series of workshops and paper presentations on various topics around the sixth Cooperative Principle, which is Cooperation Among Cooperatives.

In its 2023-2033 Africa Cooperative Development Strategy themed ‘One Cooperative One Africa’, ICA-Africa sets out the vision and mission for the sector, with recommended objectives and strategies for both the movement and African States.

The strategy is to implemented within the three strategic areas namely; promotion of Cooperative identity, cooperation among cooperatives, and institutional capacity for effective service delivery. The major focus is to promote and strengthen the Cooperative movement in the region and provide demand-driven services and products.

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