
Tayebwa wants educational websites to have free internet

Tayebwa was speaking at the launch of the CanalBox by Group Vivendi Africa, an internet service provider.

KAMPALA, July 12, 2024 – The Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa has emphasised the importance of making educational websites accessible to all children in Uganda.

Tayebwa was speaking at the launch of the CanalBox by Group Vivendi Africa [GVA Uganda], an internet service provider that targets to make internet accessible to all Ugandans. The launch occurred at the Serena Conference Centre, making Uganda the eighth African country where CanalBox is operational.

He cited the benefits of zero-rating educational websites which he said would allow students from disadvantaged backgrounds to access valuable learning resources without the burden of internet costs.
“While my child can afford internet access, many children in rural Wakiso and other similar areas would greatly benefit from free access to educational resources,” he said.

He said that by zero-rating educational services and eliminating harmful content, Uganda can build a society that contributes meaningfully to the country’s development and protect children and values held by the country.

Zero-rating educational websites means that internet service providers [ISPs] offer access to educational websites without charging for data. In this case, users can visit educational websites without using up their data allowance or incurring extra costs thus making educational resources more accessible .

In addition to advocating for zero-rating educational websites, Tayebwa called for a ban on pornography, citing its negative impact on families and society.
“Pornography adds no value to our economy and contributes to the breakdown of families. In countries like Dubai, pornography is banned, leading to stronger family structures,” said Tayebwa.

Commenting on GVA’s CanalBox launch, Tayebwa said: “The entry of such a giant player in Uganda is a vote of confidence in our government and its business-friendly policies, country and people. I commend GVA for their efforts and the footprint they have made so far. I look forward to seeing the impact they make as they continue to grow the prevalence of broadband internet in Uganda, as they have done in other countries across Africa.”

For his part, the Managing Director of GVA, Jean-François Duboy said that the aim of the internet provider is to democratise broadband internet access through fibre.
“With a speed of 200 Mbps for only Shs 200,000 in terms of price, speed and value for money, we are convinced it will be game-changing. Canal Box will now enable a large number of Ugandan families to connect to animated high-speed internet in their homes,” he said.

The GVA Uganda CEO, Julius Kayoboke, highlighted the investments made by GVA in Uganda, to roll out their fiber internet network. “With investments of 50 billion UGX so far, GVA has managed to lay fiber cables across Kampala, with an infrastructure currently capable of connecting a total area covering 140,000 homes in Kampala, with a target to grow our network to cover an area to be able to connect up to 500,000 in four years,” he said.

Kayoboke, added that when they entered the Ugandan market, there were only 30,000 homes in Uganda connected to fibre internet compared to Kenya’s 600,000.  He said for the 11 months so far, 5,000 homes have been covered in Kampala.

On her part, Director Industry Affairs and Content Development at the Uganda Communications Commission [UCC], Julianne Mweheire said that increased access to the internet boosts business opportunities and fosters innovation.

Mweheire congratulated GVA on the launch of CanalBox, and highlighted the efforts of the regulatory body, UCC, and the line Ministry of ICT and National Guidance in supporting the development and advancements of the ICT sector in Uganda.


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