Stanbic Bank Uganda donates to Mbale hospital

MBALE, June 14, 2024 – Stanbic Bank Uganda, has reaffirmed its commitment to support the Ministry of Health to improve maternal healthcare services across the country by donating equipment worth Shs 20 million to Mbale Regional Referral Hospital and Mulukhu Health Centre III, all found in Mbale City.

While handing over the equipment yesterday, Francis Karuhanga, the Bank’s Chief Executive said, “Stanbic Uganda Holdings Limited is committed to supporting better health outcomes in communities in which we operate. Our Corporate Social Investment [CSI] programmes are aligned to our environmental, social, and economic strategy. This mainly focuses on improving access to good health and wellbeing, empowering the youth, and building the capacity of SMEs to become sustainable businesses.”

Karuhanga is currently on his maiden working tour of Eastern Uganda, which is home to five Stanbic Bank branches; Mbale, Jinja, Tororo, Soroti, and Iganga.

He said the donation comprised equipment such as; six baby cribs, a pulse oximeter, 100 Mama kits, two patient beds, and a delivery set which are all essentials for safe delivery of babies.

“Recognising the crucial role that maternal healthcare plays in promoting the well-being of families and society as a whole, the bank has prioritized this important area of healthcare for its charitable initiatives. Over the past two years, and in partnership with other corporate entities, Stanbic launched the Safe Motherhood interventions which have reached more than 43 health facilities in 62 communities across the country,” Karuhanga said.

In the same vein, Diana Ondoga, Stanbic Bank Head of CSI said by the end of this year, they hope to have distributed more than 10,000 Mama kits across the country.

“We also extended support Maluku Health Unit because health centres are an essential part of a healthcare system as they provide accessible, cost-effective, and enable timely management of cases as a lifesaving mechanism when handling deliveries,” she said.

According to the Ministry of Health, all these efforts are beginning to positive results, with a reduction from 339 to 189 in terms of maternal mortality deaths.

Dr. Abeso Julian, Head of Pediatrics at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, expressed gratitude for the donation, highlighting the impact it would have on the hospital’s ability to deliver critical maternal services.

“We are incredibly grateful to Stanbic Bank for their generosity and commitment to improving maternal healthcare in our community. The equipment they have donated will greatly enhance our capacity to provide safe and effective care to expectant mothers and their newborns,” she said.

She added that Mable Referral Hospital handles between 300-400 deliveries on a monthly. The hospital also boosts handling treatment of 1000-1300 children on a monthly basis both at inpatient and outpatient wings.

On his part, Mbale Industrial Division Member of Parliament, Karim Masaba called upon all stakeholders to emulate Stanbic’s generosity and support communities where their businesses operate.

He said Stanbic as a brand is not only living its promise, but is also playing a great role in making Uganda, especially Mbale a better place.

“I have personally been Stanbic Bank client for a long time and I’m happy to associate with them because at least I can see where the taxes and loan interests I pay go. There many companies in town doing business but not everyone has the heart of giving back to our community. Thank you for loving people of Mbale,” added Masaba.

Mbale Regional Referral Hospital serves 17 districts in the Eastern region. Some of these districts include Mbale, Budaka, Bududa, Namisindwa, Bukedea, Bukwo, Bulambuli, Pallisa, Butaleja, Kapchorwa, Kumi, Manafwa, and Sironko among others.

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