SOROTI, January 14, 2025 –– The alumni of Soroti Secondary School in Soroti City are planning to construct a sickbay at the school this year to provide medical care for students in need of treatment.
The announcement was made recently by Eng. Rev. Julius Apedu, the Principal of Soroti Vocational Institute, in a speech delivered on his behalf by Moses Obo, Chairman of the Soroti Secondary School Alumni Association, during the school’s annual general meeting.
Apedu explained that the school’s alumni association, which was established in December 2023, currently has 134 registered members.
He outlined that the proposed sickbay would serve as the first point of contact for students seeking medical attention. If a student’s condition cannot be managed at the school’s health facility, they would then be referred to better health centres, and hospitals.
“We thought it wise to support the school in the area of health so that students can be attended to when they fall ill,” Apedu said without revealing how much the project would cost.
He also highlighted that the Soroti Secondary School Alumni Association provides a platform for former students to network, particularly with regard to job opportunities.
Apedu encouraged the people of Teso to prioritise education, emphasising its importance in remaining competitive in the job market and contributing to local development.
He further urged the community to engage in regular physical exercise to maintain good health and fitness.
His Royal Highness Raphael Otaya, the Kumam Cultural Leader, who was present at the event, called on former students of Soroti Secondary School to be transparent, accountable, and united in their efforts to support the school.
In his speech, Otaya reminded President Yoweri Museveni and Vice President Jessica Alupo of their unfulfilled pledges to the school.
“The President promised a bus for the school, the Vice President pledged Shs 10 million, and the Minister of Teso Affairs pledged Shs 5 million. They should honour their pledges,” Otaya said.
Otaya also committed to lobbying for the school and supporting the construction of the sickbay.
Grace Asio Ongorok, Vice Chairperson of the Soroti SS Alumni Association, shared that the idea for the sickbay came about after reports indicated that students were falling ill, yet the school lacked a facility to provide adequate treatment.