
SHACU arrests seven officials over selling govt land in Mbale city

MBALE– The joint security of both State House Anti-corruption Unit [ SHACU ] and police have arrested seven former technical officers of Nakaloke town council in Mbale city in connection with the illegal sale of public land in Mbale city.

Arrested officials covering their faces (Courtesy photo).

The arrested officers include; former Nakaloke town council town clerk Aaron Mulyanyuma Ayeta, deputy town clerk Kassim Waboga, land supervisor Godfrey Wosheba.

Others are; Monica Wazemwa, Mary Nambuya Mary, Zebia Edyau Newumbe and Sarah Khauta. All were members of the area land committee.

Buildings of the health centre that was sold (Courtesy photo).

Elgon region police spokesperson Rogers Taitika confirmed the arrest saying, the seven suspects were arrested by the state House Anti-corruption unit for allegedly allocating govt land to private developers in Nakaloke town council.

Taitika said the arrested officers are former town clerk Nakaloke town council, deputy town clerk, physical planner, land supervisor and members of the area land committee.

One of the officials arrested (Courtesy photo).

He said the suspects are at Mbale Central Police Station in Mbale city as investigations are still going on to see that more are arrested.

More of the arrested officials (Courtesy photo).

According to State House officials, individuals who fraudulently bought the said land measuring 52 acres are threatening to demolish existing govt structures including a health center, boreholes, and an old Court building.

Court building sold (Courtesy photo).

“The Unit [ State Houce Anti-corruption Unit] commends the Mbale Northern division leadership including the DPC, Mayor, Deputy RCC, LC1 and 2 chairpersons for their commitment in the fight to save government land.”

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