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Second Edition of the Power and Electricity Uganda International Expo 2024 begins this week

KAMPALA July 7, 2024 – The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development [MEMD], in partnership with Exhibitions & Trade Services India Limited [ETSIPL], the Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance [UNREEEA], will hold the Second Edition of the Power and Electricity Uganda International Expo 2024. This event is scheduled to take place from July 11–13, 2024 at the UMA Show Grounds, Lugogo, Kampala.

Organised under the theme “Connect with the Power, Energy, Electrical, Electronics, Lighting, Renewable and Solar and Related Industries in Uganda,” the Expo aims to promote innovative technologies, create awareness, and foster sustainable collaborations in the power sector.

The Expo brings together several stakeholders ranging from policymakers, regulators, manufacturers and suppliers of power products to importers and exporters dealing in electricals, electronics, renewable, and solar products and other renewable energy technologies.

The organisers anticipate the expo to provide networking, partnership and business opportunities in Uganda’s power sector with global players from India, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and other regions. These partnerships will foster technology transfer and strengthen our financial capabilities.

A highlight of the event is the “Power and Electricity Forum 2024,” on 12th July, a one-day conference themed “The Evolving Power Sector Landscape.” This forum will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, presentations from selected companies, an exhibition tour, and a matchmaking session.

As part of the Energy Transition Plan, electricity will play a central role in shaping our energy mix, aiming for a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy in line with the Paris Agreement and Uganda’s Nationally Determined Contribution. “The government supports industrialists in improving energy efficiency through energy audits, aiming to phase out obsolete technologies. We are also keen on promoting electric mobility, and developing a strategy and master plan for electric vehicle charging infrastructure,” a press release says.

In a bid to promote the adoption of cleaner and efficient transport technologies, the Ministry of Energy has embarked on the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. So far a charging station for electric vehicles has been installed at the Ministry headquarters in Kampala. In addition to this, a regulatory framework for setting up electric vehicle charging stations is being developed.

Under the NRM Manifesto 2021-2026, Government planned to implement the introduction of a 10 percent bioethanol blending programme and policy by the 2nd year.  A comprehensive legal framework for the production, storage, transportation of biofuels; and blending of biofuels with fossil fuels is now in place, including gazetting of the Licensing Authority, and finalisation of the draft Licensing Guidelines.

The Energy Ministry in a press release says it has established two operational Committees to provide support for the development of a sustainable and successful biofuels program, which include: The National Biofuels Committee [NBC], composed of the private sector – oil companies [OMCs] and biofuel producers, and relevant MDAs to provide strategic guidance to the biofuels industry and blending program.; The Internal Technical Committee [ITC] composed of technical staff from PSD, SPPAD, Communications Division, and RED to ensure effective coordination and teamwork within the Ministry.

Additionally, the ministry says government is promoting nuclear energy. Preparatory activities for the 8400MW nuclear power plant in Buyende District are ongoing and Nuclear Training Programme is being set up at Soroti University.

“The current tariff adjustments reduces the cost by 1.5 percent while adjustment for domestic customers is at Shs 803.0/kWh, commercial customers at Shs 606.2/kWh, medium industrial customers at Shs 452.1/kWh, Large Industrial customers at Shs 383.4/kWh, Extra large industrial customers at Shs 324.5/kWh, and Street lighting at Shs at Shs 370.0/kWh,” says the ministry.


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