Retired police officers in Bunyoro to form SACCO

MASINDI, March 8, 2024 – In a bid to improve their livelihoods, retired police officers in Bunyoro Sub-region under the umbrella of Bunyoro Retired Police Officers Association [BRPOA] have resolved to form a Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation [SACCO].
During an exclusive interview with theCooperator days ago, Steven Bagada, BRPOA Chairperson said the decision to form a SACCO was taken by the association’s members on March 4, 2024.
“The SACCO will also help us to keep coordinating because it Is not good for people who have been working together to lose touch. We have decided to form a SACCO so that we can benefit from the government’s development programmes,” he explained, adding that they have missed out on many government programmes because they have not been working together.
He said they would hold another meeting on March 25, 2024 where they expect a technical person from Masindi Municipality will guide the members on the procedures followed to form a SACCO.
“The SACCO is going to be for all retired police officers in Bunyoro sub-region regardless of rank, religion, tribe, and political affiliation. We shall be admitting only police officers who retired with a good record. I am happy that the retired officers have also welcomed the idea,” he said, adding that even other people who will accept to follow the the cooperative’s rules and regulations will be accepted once it is registered and allowed to operate.
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