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PWDs in Greater Masaka decry limited access to gov’t economic empowerment initiatives

The association's Chairperson, Dick Bugembe, explained that a significant number of the organisation’s members struggle with unstable incomes, making it difficult to meet basic needs such as food, treatment, clothing, and education

MASAKA, January 22, 2025 – At least 386 members of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Living with HIV/AIDS [ADPHA] in the Greater Masaka districts have raised concerns about their limited access to government economic empowerment programmes aimed at improving citizens’ livelihoods.

The association’s Chairperson, Dick Bugembe, explained that a significant number of the organisation’s members struggle with unstable incomes, making it difficult to meet basic needs such as food, treatment, clothing, and education.

“Most of my members are on medication and require money to maintain a healthy diet. However, they are living in poverty because many have not been able to access government economic empowerment programmes such as the Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme, the Parish Development Model (PDM), Emyooga Programme, and the Youth Entrepreneurship Programme, among others,” he said.

Bugembe highlighted that a few PWDs Living with HIV/AIDS have attempted to start small income-generating projects, such as bakeries, food stalls, tailoring, poultry farming, goat rearing, and piggery. However, these ventures, he said, yield minimal profits, insufficient to sustain their families.

“We are urging the government to prioritise PWDs Living with HIV/AIDS and provide them with equal opportunities in programmes designed to improve the livelihoods of Ugandans,” he added. “Due to high interest rates on loans, many in this group are hesitant to take out bank loans.”

Cate Wanyana, the organisation’s Treasurer, also shared that while many PWDs Living with HIV/AIDS have been trained in financial literacy, they continue to face challenges accessing government financial empowerment programmes.

“PWDs were registered to access PDM funds, but we request that parish chiefs prioritise them in the disbursement of these funds, as many in this group fall under the category of people living in extreme poverty,” she said. The PDM allocates 20 percent of its funds to the PWDs.

Carol Namata, the Membership Development Officer at ADPHA, stressed the importance of banks adopting a more positive and inclusive approach towards PWDs, enabling them to access loans.

Samson Magala, the Masaka Regional Manager for the Microfinance Support Centre, reassured that PWDs are entitled to benefit from the Emyooga Programme, which targets a wide range of groups, including journalists, persons with disabilities, welders, elected leaders, carpenters, salon operators, fishermen, produce dealers, taxi operators, market vendors, restaurant owners, mechanics, boda-boda riders, veterans, performing artists, and women entrepreneurs, among others.

“Persons with disabilities are included in the 19 categories of people who are eligible to benefit from the Emyooga funds, which are allocated to Saccos across the Greater Masaka region,” he said.

The call from ADPHA and its members for greater inclusion and equitable access to government financial initiatives underscores the need for more tailored support to enable PWDs living with HIV/AIDS to escape the cycle of poverty and improve their livelihoods.


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