Cooperatives & Communities

PDM: Tororo district officials warned against asking for bribes

TORORO – Tororo district officials have been warned against asking for bribes from the beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model [PDM].

Albert Amula, the deputy resident district commissioner Tororo said his office has received reports of some officials in the district asking the PDM beneficiaries for money in order to help them register PDM SACCOs and open bank accounts.

Speaking to local leaders and PDM beneficiaries on Wednesday, shortly after monitoring government programmes in the district, advised the sub-county chairpersons to arrest whoever is charging extra fees for the PDM.

“I made a spot check at Namwaya parish in Nagongera Sub-county where the community had gathered to fill in forms of PDM and I was informed about charges being levied on the forms. The parish chief was nowhere to be seen. Such issues hinder the progress of the programme [PDM],” Amula said.

He said he would work with the district commercial officer to address the matter to ensure the progress of the programme where government has committed to giving every parish in Uganda Shs 100 million every financial year beginning with the current financial year.

“The PDM funds have been remitted to the beneficiaries’ accounts and will be released to respective beneficiaries upon completion of the required processes,” he said.

Amula also visited Okwira parish in Nagongera Sub-county and engaged with the parish chief and the community members on the PDM activities.

“The beneficiaries told me they are prepared and waiting for funds to finance their enterprises,” he said.

Amula rallied the people of Tororo district to embrace the PDM in order to enhance their household incomes. The PDM is planned to move 3.5 million households still in the subsistence economy to the money economy.

The president’s representative in the district also made a spot check on Namwaya Health Centre II upgrade and discovered that the contractor RAK BOLD EDGE JV has halted operations at the site.

The RDC also visited Morkiswa Primary School, which has an incomplete five-stance pit latrine. According to him, the contractor abandoned works in 2022.

“I pledged to follow up these projects with the concerned departments to enable the completion of projects,” he said.

The PDM pillars include financial inclusion, infrastructure, and economic services, agricultural value chain development, parish-based management information system, social services, community mobilisation, mindset change, and governance.

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