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PDM SACCO leaders urged to guide beneficiaries on use of funds

KIRYANDONGO, February 15, 2024 – The leaders of Parish Development Model SACCOs or PDM SACCOs in Kiryandongo district have been urged to ensure that the programme’s beneficiaries invest the received funds in the enterprises selected to fight poverty.

The call was made by Issa Hassan Byenkya, the District Production and Marketing Officer Kiryandongo during the planning meeting for phase II of the disbursement of the funds, which was held early this week at the district headquarters.

Byenkya added that the PDM money is meant to be invested in the agricultural value chain by the active poor, noting that investment outside the agricultural value chain is illegal.

“The problem is beneficiaries tend to divert from their investment plans after receiving money. Let’s guide them so as we meet government target,” Byenkya appealed to the  PDM SACCO chairpersons who attended the planning meeting.

Alex Owor, the Chairperson Kakwoko PDM SACCO informed the meeting that his committee resolved to guide and link the PDM beneficiaries to certified agro input dealers which enabled their members to boost their production.

“We as a SACCO decided to guide and link the beneficiaries to quality agro inputs. Those who followed our advice reaped big and those who defied reaped less,” said Owor.

The PDM guidelines require beneficiaries to invest in coffee, grains, fruits, dairy farming, fish farming, poultry, piggery, and beekeeping among several others.

Martin Jacan Gwokto, the Chief Administrative Officer Kiryandongo urged the PDM SACCO chairpersons to encourage beneficiaries to always seek for technical advice from the extension workers.

Gwokto further called for teamwork among SACCO leaders and the technical staff so as to ensure PDM enterprises succeed.

“PDM is a flagship programme of government and we must deliver it so as to uplift the poor and contribute to their socio-economic transformation. Government has recruited extension workers to guide farmers, let the beneficiaries make use of them,” said Gwokto.

Edith Aliguma, the District LCV Chairperson commended the technical staff together with PDM SACCO leaders for the tireless efforts during phase one implementation which enabled the district to disburse all the funds to the beneficiaries.

Aliguma appealed to the PDM SACCO chairpersons to always seek right information about PDM so as they sensitise the beneficiaries.

Kiryandongo is one of the best PDM implementing districts in Uganda and has been identified as a regional centre for demonstrating best practices.

Byenkya attributed the success of PDM Phase one to good political leadership which provided a conducive environment to the technical staff.

Kiryandongo has 43 PDM SACCOs which were formed out of 43 parishes and Shs 4.6 billion has been disbursed to the beneficiaries in the district.

The PDM was launched in Febraury 2022, with the aim of moving 3.5 million households in Uganda from the subsistence economy to the money economy in five years.

Under the government programme, each beneficiary gets Shs 1mln from the Parish Revolving Fund [PRF] to invest in the agricultural value chain. Starting from financial year 2022/2023, every parish in Uganda gets Shs 100mln from government to support beneficiaries of the programme.

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