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PDM leaders arrested for registering non-residents

NAMISINDWA, October 30, 2023 – At least five leaders of the Parish Development Model Saving and Credit Cooperative Organisations [PDM SACCOs] in Namwenule Ward, Bumbo town council in Namisindwa district in eastern Uganda have been arrested over allegations of registering non-residents for the PDM.

The leaders who were arrested by the Resident District Commissioner, Imran Muluga are; Moses Situma, the Namwenule PDM SACCO chairperson, Rogers Muchungi LCI chairman Nabingenge cell, Ibrahim Wangati LCI chairperson of Katuta cell, Fred Safari LCI chairperson of Namwenula and another leader Ronnie Situma.

Muluga said some people were illegally registered in the SACCO as beneficiaries and yet they are not residents of the area.

The RDC who heads the district security committee arrested the suspects while chairing a PDM meeting in Namwenule Ward, following reports that the SACCO had ghost beneficiaries.

Muluga handed over the suspects to police to record statements

Joseph Kamuli, the LCIII chairperson of Bumbo Town council cautioned the leaders to stop mismanaging the programme.

John Musila representing Bubulo East Constituency in Namisindwa district urged the leaders to follow the PDM guidelines such that the targeted people can benefit from this programme.

The PDM was launched in February 2022 with the aim to move 3.5 million households still in the subsistence economy to the money economy.

Under the programme, each beneficiary is supposed to receive Shs 1mln from the Shs 100mln parish revolving fund to invest in enterprises such as coffee, bananas, dairy farming, fish farming, piggery, poultry keeping, grains, and fruits growing among others.

Government in the financial years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 earmarked over one trillion shillings respectively for the programme.

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