
Pastors advised to support govt in fight against poverty

MBALE, April 8, 2024 – Pastors in Uganda have been challenged to mobilise the faithful in the fight against household poverty.

According to the Serere County Member of Parliament, Emmanuel Omoding, pastors should be agents of positive change in the country, including fighting poverty.

He said pastors should not only preach the word of God but mobilise the masses to take up different projects that enhance their livelihoods.

He added: “Pastors stop depending on the believers but instead you empower them economically, financially, and spiritually.”

He made the remarks during the handover ceremony, and inauguration of Mbale Church Elders Fellowship [MCEF] leadership at Impact Ministries Church in Mbale City on Sunday.

Omoding said pastors should improve the wealth of their believers so that they grow strong financially.

Speaking at the function, Andrew Mutengu, the out-going Chairman of MCEF, called for unity among the pastors and Christians in the country.

He said Born-again Churches have grown because of the freedom in the country.

On her part, Lydia Wanyoto Mutende, Chairperson of the National Resistance Movement [NRM] Women’s League who was the chief guest at the ceremony, asked the church leaders to sensitise the believers about the government programmes.

She added: “Pastors should get organised in order to benefit from the government programmes such as Parish Development Model [PDM], and Emyooga Programme among others.”

She however commended Impact Ministries for supporting the orphans in the area.

On his part, Rev. Bishop Samuel Waniaye, the incoming Chairman of MCEF, said most of the Pentecostal churches are not aware of government programmes aimed at improving people’s livelihoods.

“After being sensitised we shall implement government programmes from the grassroot through the churches,” Waniaye who is also a pastor at Mustard Seed Church in Mbale City said.

Meanwhile, government has embarked on formulating a clear and comprehensive national policy framework to govern the registration and regulation of religious and faith-based organisations in the country.

The Draft National Religious and Faith Organisations [RFOs] policy,2023, will be steered by the Directorate for Ethics and Integrity [DEI] in the Office of the President.

The directorate says the policy is needed because some of the RFOs leaders manipulate the faithful, resulting in the loss of wealth among others.

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