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Parliament condemns mandatory HIV/AIDS testing of Hoima Stadium workers

Dr. Joseph Ruyonga, Chairperson of the House Committee on Health told the House that workers were being pressured to undergo HIV testing or face termination of their contracts

KAMPALA, September 26, 2024 – Members of Parliament have condemned the reported mandatory HIV/AIDS testing of workers at the Hoima Stadium, currently under construction for the 2027 African Cup of Nations [AFCON].

Dr. Joseph Ruyonga, Chairperson of the House Committee on Health told the House that workers were being pressured to undergo HIV testing or face termination of their contracts. He described this practice as both unethical and degrading.

The Chairperson of the House Committee on Health, Dr Joseph Ruyonga. Photo by Hanifar Samula.

“The staff who test positive for HIV/AIDS have been terminated and stigmatised, which is illegal as it contradicts Uganda’s labor laws and international human rights guidelines,” Ruyonga stated during a plenary session chaired by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa on Wednesday.

Uganda’s HIV/AIDS workplace policy clearly states that “information on the HIV status of a staff member shall not be required at the time of application for employment nor as a prerequisite to preserve the working relationship or for promotion.” Ruyonga emphasised that this policy, which outlines the treatment of workers with HIV/AIDS, has been ignored by Hoima Stadium management.

Ongoing works at the Hoima Stadium site. Courtesy photo.

He urged the government to intervene and reinstate and compensate workers who were terminated due to their HIV status. Ruyonga also highlighted the need to revitalise the implementation of the HIV/AIDS workplace policy and ensure ongoing sensitization for both employers and staff.

Joyce Moriku, Minister of State for Primary Education, pledged to investigate the matter, stating it could constitute a criminal offence if the allegations are confirmed. “It is troubling to hear about compulsory testing of workers involved in the construction of Hoima Stadium. If true, this violates labor laws. My ministry will follow up and take appropriate action,” she said.


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