Otuke political leaders accused of meddling in Emyooga

OTUKE– Political leaders in Otuke district have been accused of interfering with the Emyooga Programme.

Emyooga is a presidential initiative on wealth and job creation.

The Programme was introduced to offer seed capital to Sacco groups under the 18 Clusters that include restaurant owners, boda-boda riders, women entrepreneurs, people with disabilities, fishermen and journalists, among others.

In January 2021, Otuke received Shs1.8 billion for the 36 Emyooga SACCOs in the two constituencies in the district with each SACCO receiving a seed capital of Shs 30mln. However, up to date, only one Sacco has refunded the money borrowed.

Otuke district commercial officer, Charles Opio has blamed the poor recovery of Emyooga funds on interference by politicians in the district.

“Leaders are supposed to tell people the truth, not lies. As leaders, we should all unite and embrace the programme, but on the contrary in Otuke district, leaders, especially the politicians, are telling beneficiaries not to pay back the money. It is only Otuke East Boda-boda SACCO which is refunding the money,” he said.

“This money was given to SACCOs and it’s painful for members not to repay. The money is for SACCOs not government. Whoever borrows should return the money to the SACCO such that it is loaned out to other people,” he added.

Otuke deputy Resident District Commissioner said drastic actions will be taken against the errant politicians who are sabotaging the government programme.

“The problem we have is poverty. We should forget about politics and focus on development. If any politician tells you to just eat the money, you should consider him or her your worst enemy. I need to get the names of those defaulters and you will see what will happen to them,” he told this reporter in an interview on Monday.

Otuke District Chairman Francis Abola denied the allegation, stating that there is a need to sensitise people about the programme.

“There is a need for massive sensitisation of people about the program since it was rolled out during the election period. The timing of the programme gave a perception that the money was free not necessarily the politicians sabotaging it,” he said.

Otuke County Member of Parliament, Julius Acon Bua rallied the public to embrace Emyooga as an initiative aimed at ensuring their development and not a token of appreciation for voting the ruling NRM party.

“Many people thought they were being bribed so that they vote for political leaders but that was not the case. I want to appeal to the targeted beneficiaries of Emyooga to use the money for their own development. When you borrow the money from the SACCO, use it wisely and then pay it back,” he said.

John Oloro, the General Secretary of Otuke East Saloon operators’ SACCO says, “The problem is not politicians or even wrong mindset. We are interested in development but the problem is Covid-19 that has affected our business and the famine. People are dying of hunger, Let them give us time to pay the money,” he said.

Another SACCO leader [name withheld] blamed the failure of Emyooga to ghosts SACCO groups and corruption by some district officials.


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